Existence of composite functions

Introduction to composite functions

A composite function applies functions in sequence.

For example, consider the functions


Starting from x=2, we could first apply the function f to get f(2)=4. We then apply the function g to get g(f(2))=g(4)=5.

The composite function gf represents the overall function that gets us from the starting value of x=2 to the final value of x=5.

Note that while we read left to right in English, the composite function gf applies f first followed by g.

Order of composition is important. The function fg applies g first followed by f and is a different function. For our example, fg(2)=6.

Composite functions may not exist

Now consider the following functions:


The function fg does not exist because if we were to start with x=1, we get g(1)=0 and will be unable to continue applying f as zero is not within the domain of f.

Criteria for composite to exist

To prevent situations like the example above, all the outputs of the first function in a composite function must lie within the domain of the second function. That is, for fg to exist, the range of g must be a subset of the domain of f.

  • The composite function fg exists if RgDf.
  • The composite function fg does not exist if Rg⊈Df.




Determine if the composite functions gf and fg exist.

Rf=[1,9) and Dg=(2,1). Hence Rf⊈Dg so the composite function gf does not exist.

Rg=[0,4) and Df=[0,5). Hence RgDf so the composite function fg exists.